Monday, January 19, 2009


Crete wants to send a big thank you to Sue, Phil, Ellie, and Abby for the fabulous Little People Garage. He has already had a great time playing with it, including the time he helped his Daddy put it together.

Cuddle Time with Maddie

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Elmo is helping Crete feel better. Yes, Crete has the fever bug again. Not fun at all. Poor little bug.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

As I mentioned before, Crete was very sick over Christmas and we missed pretty much all of it because he didn't feel like being around people. This first picture was how we spent much of three full days. Poor little guy.

Lee and Crete did give me a very special and exciting gift that I am very excited about. A vacation!

We're going to Disney World! One of my favorite places ever.

When Crete eventually started to feel better, he got to enjoy some of his new toys.

This is Crete's "HO, HO, HO" face. He says it when he sees pictures of Santa.

Notice how skinny he looks. It'd be interesting to know how much weight he lost while he was sick.

Bye hugs from Raah. But we'll see her in a couple of weeks at Disney World!!!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Farewell to Mulder

He was a very good dog and we loved him very much.

Our little climber

Dog door mischief

The problem with blogging when you can catch a few minutes is that some things aren't exactly in the order you want them to be. Anyway, some more pics. These are still from Thanksgiving. Our family is a little goofy and none of us can sing, but we used Daddy's studio to make a Christmas CD for the second year in a row. It is great fun to do, but horrible sounding. So when you are wondering why the headphones, that would be why.

Relaxing in his Christmas P.J.'s after breakfast. Note the oat bran on the chin.

I apologize for the way I look. This picture is pre-shower and contacts.

Crete likes to help Pop work out the music for our CD.

All of the vocal talent crammed into the studio aka Pop's office.

Taking a break from it all.

Visiting with Aunt Helen. Still in his Christmas P.J.'s.

We are so thankful for this quick visit we made to see Aunt Winnie. She passed away over the Christmas break. We will miss her.

Thrilled to be allowed to play with this ornament!

Four generations.

A visit with the Big Guy, himself.

We haven't posted in quite a while. I apologize. We have had an eventful, but not easy holiday season. Thanksgiving was a wonderful time with family. As you will see from pictures, Crete and I went with with family to the mountains to get Christmas trees. We decided not to get one for ourselves this year because we did not have any time to enjoy it. We really missed it, though. Our Christmas visit to Shelby started off well, but Crete woke up with a fever Christmas Eve and it got quite high and persisted through the weekend. Christmas day was the worst and so we actually missed pretty much all of the festivities. Crete was too sick to see any of his gifts for a few days, even the ones from Santa. He was miserable and I was quite worried. Thankfully, he is much better now.
Sadly, we have had two deaths in the family since Christmas. My (Emily's) great Aunt Winnie passed away at 98 years of age. Lee's Aunt Janet passed away as well. We will miss both of them very much.
So, I don't have all that many pictures from Christmas, but I will post some of the ones since our last post. Hope you enjoy.

Crete with his Raah.

Trying to find the perfect trees.



The snow suit was pretty entertaining to us, though probably not so much to Crete. He basically couldn't bend, as you can tell by this picture with Liz.

Finally getting out of the suit.


The whole gang on the hay ride.
