Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend in Tennessee

We went to Tennessee this weekend to visit some of Lee's family. We were hungry after the flight, so we stopped at a Steak & Shake for a quick meal.

We got to meet Lee's cousin Jane's children for the first time. They were great kids and it was a special time for all of us. This is Aubree and Garrett. You'll see Tristan later in the post. (I hope I'm spelling these names correctly.)

Playing with the cousins.

These cuties with Lee and Crete are Lee's cousin Michelle's boys, Ben and Joshua. They were a lot of fun.

Crete and Michelle.

Tired Baby

Can you tell the sun's in our eyes?

Taft Boys

Enjoying the pool with Family

Here's sweet Tristan

Playing on Granny's bed with Aubree and Uncle Butch. Crete really liked Aubree.

This is Ike. Ike really likes to eat.

We tried really hard to get a good picture of the four of them, but this was about the best we could do. We had a great weekend, though, and we loved getting to see everyone.

Monday, July 21, 2008


This was a wonderful weekend. We went to Shelby and had a great time visiting with family. The trip was too short, though. The weekends just fly by. This was a big weekend for Crete in particular. Saturday morning he was playing with his Pop and out of the blue, he said "mama." He has said it multiple times since. I am thrilled, but I'm wondering how much he really gets the association between me and the word. I'll take whatever I can get, though!

Playing with Pop in the pool.

Naked boy relaxing with with Mom after a long day swimming.

Crazy Uncle Eric.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nothing in Particular

This kid could stay in the water all day!

We went to the mall yesterday and had dinner with Dave, Erin, and Simon at Panera. During dinner, I handed Crete a tough piece of bread to gnaw on. He held on to that thing for at least an hour before he finally threw it down. He was a gummy, bready mess, but he loved it! I'm going to have to buy him some whole wheat bagels or something.

We thought he was so cute in Will's sailor suit that we wanted to share a couple of pictures.

Giant arm!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

Independence Day

We spent the 4th in Washington, NC with the Parker family. They live on the water, but we weren't sure that Crete was ready to go out on a boat yet. His Daddy bought him a blow-up pool so that he could enjoy the water too.

Check the hat. He keeps it on, though, so we wear it.

Crete and Daddy hanging out in the water by the water.

He tried to swim, but we didn't have the water deep enough.

Crete was dressed in his finest red, white, and blue, so we pushed him in the neighborhood parade. Next year we're going all out and decorating his stroller.

Other parade participants.

Pam and Gracie.

The cutest baby in the parade.

Granddaddy Parker--the Grand Marshal.
First time ever seen in shorts, I think.

Pam and Crete. By the way, we did bring some cute outfits for Crete, but somehow he just ended up in the white onesie. It was a hot day.

Crete and Antoine

Crete with Granddaddy Parker. We wish Crete could have met Grandma Parker.

Crete and Kelley

Thank you Kimberly, for sharing your family with us. It was a great time, as always.

Watching the fireworks.

Crete was not scared at all, just tired by the end of the day.
Thank you Parker Family!

Friday, July 4, 2008

The American Tobacco Campus

Yesterday Emily, Crete, Abby, and Ellie went to the American Tobacco Campus to meet Lee for lunch. Crete enjoyed watching the water.

After lunch, we took a short walk around the campus.

We took pictures with the beautiful flowers. If you look closely, you'll see that Crete has sneaked a handful and tried to take them with him. We were glad that the bicycle security guy riding by didn't see our little thief in action.

Isn't this a good-looking bunch?

It was pretty hot, so after our walk we went into Lee's office to cool down with a game of air hockey.

A great time was had by all.