So, yeah, it's taken over a month to get Crete's birthday pictures up here and they are all out of order, but I figure getting them up all mixed up is better than nothing, right?

With his Raah the day after his birthday.

On his potty his Grandmama gave him. Don't ask.

His birthday balloon from Mommy and Daddy.

With his chair from Mamaw and Papaw.

Uncle Jared gave him a cool soccer jersey.

Playing with his ball hopper from Mason and Holden and their mom and dad.

Opening gifts from Papa and Granny

On the way to the party. Not so happy at this point.

Hanging with Granny

With Grandmama and Pop

His fabulous birthday cake. Crete doesn't really know about Snoopy and Woodstock yet because he doesn't get to watch TV yet, but Crete loves dogs ("oofs") and birds ("birds") and his mommy and daddy love the Peanuts, so he got a really cool Snoopy and Woodstock cake.

His aunt Sharon made sure he got to eat at his party. Sometimes the host doesn't have much time b/c of social duties.

Crete's buddy Lilliana and her mommy, Bradey. (Crete's mommy's buddy.)

Simon playing with the balloon strings.


Julie and Jeremy


Crete's very own Woodstock cake. Pumpkin with cream cheese icing.

He approved.

Christi, Hunter, and Nathan

Crete's cake after he had at it. Not too much damage.

Hanging out with his favorite girls.

With El.

With some of Daddy's family. Sadly, we don't have pictures of everyone.

It was a wonderful day. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate.
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