I'm trying to honor my word and get the rest of my pictures up, but I just keep getting more and more and I don't have time to post. These next pics are from Jacob Hull's Baptism Celebration, from Simon's first birthday party and from a night at the Forrests. We so enjoyed spending time with our friends on all of these happy occasions.

Jacob Hull on the day of his Baptism.

With Mari, his Mommy.

Mary and Hannah at Simon's party.

Simon on his birthday.

Crete at Simon's party.


Brent and Lucas

The Miller Family

Cutie Simon celebrating.

Gabe Hull

Life truly is good for Simon. His first birthday cake!

We were invited to a nice dinner at the Forrests house a couple of weeks ago. This is Marshall Forrest.

Lydia Hendren

Ava Forrest

Laura and Crete. I adore this picture.

Crete was trying to give Ava a kiss! Too cute!
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