Sunday, May 10, 2009

Easter 09

I was trying to get all the Easter pictures up, but as I was uploading it told me that I had exceeded my quota again. I will have to remove some more pics from my online picassa site before I can finish. That's more than I have energy for right now, so here is what I've already done. I'll try to get the rest up soon.

Crete was not all that gentle with the eggs. There were lots of cracks along the way.

Had to include a pic of the Championship Egg.


Bubble mower from Betsy and Terry

Crete LOVED this! He couldn't figure out why they wouldn't do this indefinately.

The Easter Bunny brought one of his gifts a little early.

One of Crete's favorite activities -- playing with pet food.

Easter Loot

"Let the wild rumpus start!"

Mother's Day

I haven't even gotten the Easter pictures up yet, but I figured I'd go ahead and post some from today. Now that Crete is asleep, I've realized that we didn't even take a picture together on Mother's Day. But that's alright. We can get one later. Crete (and Lee) gave me the perfect gift for Mother's Day--a new lens for my camera. You can get photos from much farther away. I've realized, though, that you need a much steadier arm than I have and so I think the next purchase will have to be a mono-pod or something similar. Here are some of the less blurry shots:
Future Soccer Star

We had hoped to pick strawberries yesterday, but when we got to the farm, they had been picked over. We were pretty bummed, but at least we were able to get some pre-picked ones. Crete basically at the whole carton over the course of two days.

We should have started out without the jersey on because it was pretty messy by the time we thought to take it off.

A boy and his dog.

Yesterday was Kid's Day at the Farmer's Market and they gave out tomato plants. We bought a couple more and planted them in a container in the backyard. The thought was that Crete would help, but he was not a bit interested. There were balls to throw to the dogs after all.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Hilton Head

This post is way overdue because I've been overwhelmed with the number of pictures from which to choose. We went down to Hilton Head to visit the Petty's one weekend and had a great time. I guess the pictures explain better than words and since I have so many, I'll just get on with it.
Sharing goldfish.



Crete thinking he's a big kid, running on the beach.

The Tweeds

The Pettys

Attempt at getting all three in one picture on the beach. Not so successful. :)

Blondies on the couch.

This is a decent one with all three. Nobody's looking, but...

I think this is the sweetest smile.

And could this picture of Holden be any cuter?


Crete and Grandmama

Sweet brothers.

Another attempt at getting all the boys together in one shot. (I love how Mason's "cheesing" for the camera.)

Wild man on the slide.

I wish we could have had more time. It seemed like such a quick weekend. But if we had, I probably would have had a million pictures and would never be able to choose which ones to post!