Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crete's daddy has a twin!

Can you believe there are two people that good looking who play soccer?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Crete's First Trip to the Beach

We went to the beach this weekend with the Breitfeld-Kreissman family. We had a wonderful time and it was a very relaxing couple of days before the rush of the new school year. It was Crete's first visit to the beach and we were eager to see how he would react to the sand and saltwater. He was super-curious in the beginning and overall liked it pretty well, I think. Anyway, here are some of my favorite pictures. There are a lot.
Swimming in the pool with Abby and Ellie

Our first trip down to the water.

Splashing around with Daddy.


The back of Crete's cute little head.

Where did my feet go?

What is this stuff, anyway?

Ellie was so kind to prepare us dinner on Saturday night. Everything was delicious!

Crabby butt.

Thanks for feeding me, Ab.

Sandy little feet.
Beautiful Abby
Beautiful Ellie

They are always beautiful, but I just think they look stunning in these pictures.

I can't believe how grown they look in this picture.

Tired little beach boy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

One more

I somehow missed this one in my last post. Crete with his Raah.

Some Non-baseball Pics from the Weekend

Just kidding, there is some baseball thrown in. This was Crete and Pop warming up in the bullpen.

And here in this picture with his Grandmama, you can see his baseball outfit. He was an All-Star on Saturday as well.

Grandmama and Pop took him on his first train ride.

Not the best picture of the parents, but I thought Crete's face was cute.

Sweet picture of Crete with his Grandmama and Pop

And then we went on our first carousel ride. Crete didn't love it. He wanted off the horse halfway through. This picture is staged at the end.

Sunday's baseball attire courtesy of his Papa. Too cute.

A visit with Aunt Helen

Will's Championship!

Well, I suppose it's not just Will's championship. He was one of the Shelby All-Star Little League team that won the State Championship. We went to Shelby to watch the tournament last weekend. It was a nail-biter but in the end, Will's team was triumphant. We got a little carried away taking pictures, so I'll try to pick a few of the best. If you want to see more, I'll try to put a link to our Picasa web album in a couple of days.

Will pitching. Boy that was nerve-racking. Pitcher is not his normal position, but he did great! We were so proud.

Yeah, #29! Will is a hitter! (I had to use that phrase for Bethany and Fereby's benefit.)

Runner on third.

High-fiving Dad from the dugout.

Another big hit! Will clearly did his part hitting the ball.

Waiting to congratulate a home-run hitter.

Cutie in the dugout.

Celebrating the win!!!!

Trophy Time


I had to include this one. Check out the ham over on the left.

For those of you who needed a Crete fix -- a picture with the Champion.
I'll add some additional pictures of Crete from the weekend when I get a chance. He doesn't think it's very fun to play by himself while Mommy blogs.